Phrase: Easier said than done
Meaning: If you say that something is easier said than done, you are emphasizing that although it sounds like a good idea in theory, you think it would be difficult to actually do it.
Usage: This is used when something is easy to say but very hard to do.
Explanation: This phrase is very literal. Often times people tell you to do something that sounds easy, but it is actually hard. So in response, you can say this phrase.Example Dialog
A: You seem so busy these days.
B: Yeah. I've been studying stock trading courses.
A: Do you really need to spend so much time studying that?
A: "Do you do any stock trading?"
B: "No, but how hard could it be. Just buy when it goes down and sell when it goes up."A: "It's easier said than done."
Example Sentences
- "That's easier said than done."
- "It's a lot tougher than that. It's one of those things that are easier said than done."
- "Michael thinks everything is so easy. He doesn't realize it's easier said than done."
- "Going on a diet is easier said than done."
- "My parents keep telling me to get married soon because I'm not getting any younger. It's easier said than done."
- "To forgive and forget someone who did you wrong is easier said than done."
- The doctor advised her to stop smoking and drinking but she is addicted so it is easier said than done for her.
- "To fight for climate change is easier said than done."
Other Common Sentences
"It's harder than you think."
"It's not as easy as you think."
"If you think it's that easy, why don't you do it?"
Question: Can you think of anything that's easier said than done?
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