When to use? : "Come back and Get back"

"Come Back" and "Get Back"

What is the difference between "come back" and "get back"? Can I use them interchangeably? 

Come back and get back can be used interchangeably in some cases, but not always.

When you mean "to return to a place after going away" you can use either one, most of the time. Below are some examples of how they are used with this meaning.

  • When he got back from vacation he had a nice tan.
  • When he came back from vacation he had a nice tan.
  • When you get back from the store we will have dinner.
  • When you come back from the store we will have dinner.
  • What time do you think you will get back?
  • What time do you think you will come back?

When you are talking about someone returning to a place, and it is from the point of view of the person they are visiting, use come back:
  • We hope you'll come back and shop with us again soon!
  • We invited them to come back and visit us whenever they're in town.

If it is from the point of view of the person traveling, you should use go back:

  • "We plan to go back to that store again soon."
  • "I want to go back to Spain to visit our friends again next year."


1. Come back can be used in other ways, too. Below are some examples of the different ways it can be used.

A. It can be used to mean "to return to a former good condition," "to be successful in a game, sport, etc., after being behind" or "to become popular or fashionable again":

  • It can be difficult for an athlete to come back [=recover] from an injury like this.
  • The team was trailing after the first half, but they came back and won in the second half.
  • Short skirts were out of fashion for many years, but now they're coming back.

B. It can be used to mean "to return to someone's memory":
  • I had forgotten a lot of what I learned about music, but it's all coming back to me now. [=I am beginning to remember it now]
C. And it can be used to mean "to make a reply or response":
  •  When questioned about his involvement, he came back with an angry denial.


2. Get back can be used in other ways, too. 

A. Get back can be used to mean "to return to an activity, condition, etc.":
  • Things are finally getting back to normal.
  • Let's get back to the topic we were discussing yesterday.
  • It's time to get back to work. [=to start working again]
B. It can also be used to mean "to obtain (something you have lost) again":
  • He got his old job back after a long struggle.
  • Someone stole his wallet but he got it back from the police.
C. It can be used to mean "to do something bad or unpleasant to someone who has treated you badly or unfairly":
  • I'll get you back for what you did to me!
  • After he lost his job, he vowed that he would find a way to get back at his old boss. 

D. And it can be used to mean "to talk to or write to (someone) at a later time in order to give more information, answer a question, etc." or "to call someone back on the telephone":

  • "He got back to me (by e-mail) in a few days with a new offer."

A: “How much will it cost?” 
B: “I'm not sure. I'll have to get back to you on that.”

A: “There's someone on the phone for you, sir.”
B: “Tell them I can't take their call now but I'll get back to them as soon as I can.”


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