Idiom: Get (something) off your chest


"Get it off your chest"


  • If you get it off your chest, you tell somebody about something that's been bothering you or making you feel guilty for a long time and you've been thinking about a lot.

Example Dialog

Jean has been carrying a secret for years. It has weighed her down and made her quite unhappy. Jean is tired of carrying the burden of the secret. Jean and her friend, Fred, are talking one day...

Fred:  I notice that you have been quite down in the dumps, lately.

Jean:  I have a big big secret that I am so afraid to tell.

Fred:  I am your very good friend, Jean.  I will understand and accept anything you want to tell me.  You know, sometimes it is a great relief to just get it off your chest.

Example Sentences

  • I can see that something's upsetting you, so why don't you get it off your chest and tell me what it is. You'll feel better if you do.
  • Charlie was feeling bad about cheating on his wife, so he got it off his chest and told her about it. She divorced him soon after.
  • Alex had been worrying about it, and he needed to get it off his chest so he went to talk to his parents.
  • I had spent two months worrying about it and I was glad to get it off my chest.
  • Harold's manager asks him if there's something that he would like to get off his chest.
  • I get it off my chest when I am tired of keeping a secret.
  • You get it off your chest when you need to confess something.
  • He gets it off his chest when a friend offers to listen.
  • She gets it off her chest so she can feel free of the burden.
  • We get it off our chests when the problem begins to affect our sleep.
  • Thanks for listening. It's good to get it off my chest at least.
  • This has been bugging me a lot lately so I need to get it off my chest.
  • If you don't get it off your chest, it's just going to get worse over time.
  • He came to see me because he wanted to get something off his chest.
  • My doctor gave me the opportunity to talk and get things off my chest.


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