Idiom: Lose (one's) touch



  • Literally, this means to no longer have the ability to touch or feel with your fingers or hands. But to lose your touch actually means that you lose an ability or talent you once had when dealing with things, people or situations.
  • To be no longer able to do something as well as you could before.


We use this when you’re usually good at a certain skill or talent, but then things start to go wrong.

Example Dialog

A: “I don’t understand why none of the girls here want to speak to me.”

B: “It looks like you’ve lost your touch with the ladies.”

A: “Oh no, they used to love me, what happened?”

Example Sentences

  • I have lost touch with my computers! I can't even install a simple software.
  • Although their goalie has been away from football, he doesn't seem to have lost his touch with catching balls.
  • I used to make beautiful paintings but it seems I've lost my touch.
  • He’s not as good a salesman as he used to be. He’s losing his touch.
  • You haven’t sold anything today. You must be losing your touch.
  • He was once a great player, but with age, he has lost his touch.
  • She seems to have lost her touch managing children; they don’t listen to her anymore. 
  • I can no longer sing like that. I’ve lost my touch since I had a surgery years back. 
  • Its good to see that even after all these years, the performer has not lost his touch.
  • You may have the talent, but if you do not practice enough, you will lose your touch someday.
  • The star player said he wanted to retire at the top of his game, before he lost his touch. 


  • Do you have a similar idiom or expression in your language? How do you use it?
  • Please make a sentence with the phrase "lose (one's) touch".

  • Can you think of another phrase  that's similar to this idiom?


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