Idiom: Off the grid


"Live off the grid"


  • To live without one's home connected to municipal utility systems, such as the water supply or the main electrical grid.
  • To exist outside of governmental observation; to be untraceable through any means of commerce or communication that could be linked to one's identity.


The Grid” refers to the electrical grid, i.e. the system or network which delivers electrical power to residential and commercial properties, building, homes, and machinery, etc. So, off the grid means simply off, as in disconnected.

Example Sentences

  • I just need to get enough solar panels installed to disconnect from the city's electricity supply and I'll be able to live completely off the grid.
  • Fearing for his life, the whistle-blower from the intelligence agency was forced to live off the grid for a number of years, eschewing anything that might leave a digital footprint for someone to find.
  • We're interested in independent self-sufficient living, off-the-grid.
  • I'm preparing to live off the grid, without electricity, air conditioning and heat.
  • The energy-efficient hotel aims to offer an off-the-grid experience.
  • Have you ever considered living off the grid?
  • I was off the grid for two days.
  • The author gives some very useful information for living off the grid.
  • I walked right through that hill and completely off the grid.
  • Living off the grid also helps to break down the green house gases.
  • We have all fantasizes about going off the grid and living a simple life.
  • Living in off the grid homes is an aspiration for many people interested in green living.
  • As more local governments get serious about saving power, more help will be available to get the individual homeowner off the grid.
  • Many off the grid homes use solar power as one of their main energy supplies.


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