Idiom: Give (someone) the cold shoulder


"Why are you giving me the cold shoulder?"


  • To give no interest to someone or something usually with the intent of purposefully not giving attention.
  • To give someone the cold shoulder means to treat someone in an unfriendly way, often by intentionally ignoring or showing contempt for the person.

Example Sentences

  • He got the cold shoulder from his former boss when he saw him at a restaurant.
  • Jane was very upset at her husband for forgetting their anniversary. She gave him the cold shoulder for the whole day.
  • When I walked into a luxury store wearing casual clothes with slippers, the sales clerks at the store gave me the cold shoulder.
  • I thought she was giving me the cold shoulder. I didn’t know she was having difficult times.
  • Julia was an uninvited guest. No wonder everyone gave her the cold shoulder at the party.
  • Giving the cold shoulder to your partner , instead of trying to talk things out, can ruin the relationship.
  • She thinks you started that rumor about her, that’s why she’s giving you the cold shoulder all day.
  • I thought she really liked me, but the next day she just gave me the cold shoulder.
  • Is there someone in your life that you’ve constantly avoided? Well, then you’re giving them the cold shoulder.
  • I saw my daughter giving another girl a cold shoulder because her two friends don't want her around.
  • Do you take it personally if someone gives you the cold shoulder?
  • Why all of a sudden are you giving me the cold shoulder. What's wrong? I wish I had the courage to ask you that.


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