Phrase: Just Name It / You Name It
1. "Just name it" Meaning/Usage : Used to express that you are offering to do or give anything the other person asks. It's a shortened way of saying, "tell me anything you want or need." A. "There is so much to get done today." B. "I will help you with whatever you need. Just name it!" Example Sentences: "I will help you with whatever you need, just name it. " "We can do whatever you want, just name it ." " Just name it and we can do it." Other Common Sentences "Anything you need." "Tell me what you need and I'll do it." 2. "You name it" Meaning/Usage : You say you name it , usually after or before a list, to indicate that you are talking about a very wide range of things or there are many things to choose from. Example Sentences: Pickled cucumbers, jam, pickled berries, tomatoes; you name it , they've got it. Gin, vodka, whiskey, beer - you name it, I've got it...